Monday, August 7, 2023

ESC 24X7- Uses of Since and For




Since and For


The words "since" and "for" are used to indicate the duration of an action or event in a sentence. Since and For help us to indicate point of time or period of time in a sentence.

1. "Since" is used to indicate the fix point of time (starting point) 

Example: "I have been studying English since 2018 with ESC 24x7." (The action of studying English began in 2018.)

2. "For" is used to indicate the duration of an action or event. It shows how long something has been happening or how long it lasted. 

Example: "He has been living in Pune for two years." (He has lived in Pune for a period of two years.)

In summary, "since" indicates the starting point, while "for" shows the duration of an action or event.

SINCE- We use “since” with accurate point on time.

Since+ Six o’clock, Monday, March, 2021, Morning

For- We use “for” with period of time.

For+ ten minutes, five hours, six months, five years

·       I have been studying since March.

·       I have been reading for two months.

Fill in the blanks with since or for:-

1.  She has been working on a new project …….. January.

2.  She has been learning the piano ……. six months.

3.  I have been teaching English ……………. 20 years.

4.  Peter has been married to Jenifer ………….. six years.

5.  The children have been doing homework……… two hours.

6.  We have been waiting…………… yesterday.

7.  It has been raining ……………….. long time.

8.  She has been jobless ………… April 2020.

9.  He has been looking for a job …………….. six months.

10.   We haven’t heard anything from them………..months.

For more practice on this topic, click on the link given below: 


Tuesday, August 1, 2023

ESC 24X7- Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Uses of will have + been + actioning)




Future Perfect Continuous Tense

The future perfect continuous tense shows that something started in the past and will be continuing at the future time. The future perfect continuous is formed using the construction will have been + continuous (V1+ing).

This sense of time is a combination of perfect and continuous tense.

Will Have been (perfect tense) + actioning (continues tense)

v I will have been playing football since morning.

In this sentence, using the future perfect continuous verb tense conveys that playing football is an action that began sometime in the past and will be continue in the future. 

When we describe an action in the future perfect continuous tense, we are projecting ourselves forward in time and looking back at the duration of that activity. The activity will have begun sometime in the past, present, or in the future, and is expected to continue in the future.

Read these examples carefully: -

·       At five o’clock, I will have been waiting for thirty minutes.

·       In November, I will have been working at my company for three years.

·       By sunset, I will have been working on my homework for two hours.

·       In January, I will not have been living in San Francisco for ten years.

·       Remya will have been working at the company for twelve years in 2022.

·       How long will she have been playing the piano when she graduates?

·       Next month, I will have been following a diet for three months.

·       Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Will you have been actioning?

I will have been actioning.            Future cont perfect

I will have not been actioned.


Fill in the blanks: -

1      1.     She ____been working here for five years. (will has/ will have)

2.     I will have ______studying all day. (been/ be/ is)

3.     You will have been _________a lot recently. (eat, eating)

4.     We will have been ________in London for six months. (live/ living)

5.     They ________learning English for two years. (will have been, will has been)

For all tense identification practice click the link down belowπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡: -

Speaking Practice: - Give your answer in positive & negative sentences: -

1. Will you have been playing?

Positive -

Negative –


     2. Will she have been doing her class homework?

Positive –



     3. Will they have been watching TV?

Positive -

Negative – 

    4. Will Mansi have been studying?

Positive -

Negative –

    Change these sentences: -


1.  I play cricket. Past prefect continuous

2.  She goes to school. Present prefect continuous

3.  I speak English with my father. Future prefect continuous

4.  My mother writes a letter. Present prefect continuous

5.  I watch T.V. Past prefect continuous

6.  Ram goes to park. Future prefect continuous

7.  I do not speak Hindi. Past prefect continuous

8.  I am running. Past prefect continuous

9.  She worships the God. Present prefect continuous

10.      I am listening to music. Future prefect continuous

11.      He waits for me. Present perfect continuous

12.      They have played football. Past perfect continuous

13.      Mansi has been playing. Future perfect

14.      I had been doing homework. Present perfect cont

15.      They did not speak in Hindi. Past perfect continuous